Digital Resources
Here's where you'll find our digital content available for research and study. If you want to use these for your projects, please contact us to see if licensing is available.
The Tahoe Tattler was Tahoe City's newspaper published (more off than on) from 1881 to 1959. In 2021, the Gatekeeper's Museum sent original copies of the Tattler to UC Riverside to be scanned and digitized. They are now available for all to search online!
Search the Tahoe Tattler digitally on the California Digital Newspaper Collection website
Gatekeeper's Gazette Archives
Essays & Monographs
The Quest to Protect California's Transcontinental Railroad Tunnels
Featured in Smithsonian Magazine, January 2022
Oral Histories
These are recorded audio interviews with people who are important and have knowledge of our cultural history
Thelma Saunders Baldry #1, July 6, 1988
Thelma Saunders Baldry #2, July 6, 1988
David Bienert #1, May 7, 1992
David Bienert #2, unknown date
Bill Briner #3, June 18 1995
Tom Cannon, Tahoma, August 2019
Clegg, Lindsay Towne, Nov 12 1989
Turner, Locke "Remembrances of Rubicon" a Comstock Eden #2, Nov 13 1985
Harriet Henderson, April 6 and May 7, 1992
Dorothy Z. Johanson, Sept 23, 1989
Ernie Pomin #2, 1966
Ernie Pomin #4, 1966
Locke Turner, Remembrances of Rubicon
Locke Turner, Rememberances of Rubicon, 1994
"Rose, Henry Holly, Jr.," March 21, 1992